Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Bribes at election time - NOT good management
Yesterday Howard and Costello smugly announced tax cuts, after a decade of neglect of Australia's health and education services, and a decade of disregard of Australia's degraded infrastructure - including broadband. They did so after a decade of ignoring the plight Australia's indigenous peoples. And they did so after a decade of denying the impact of climate change. And of course they found the money for tax cuts a nanosecond before the election. Competent economic management is not about giving bribes at election time. Competent economic management is not about hoarding public money. It is about really planning for the Australia’s future. It is about recognising that Australians want and deserve quality services and investment Howard and Costello have nothing to be smug about when they claim superiority in economic management.
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A lot of what you say resonates with our family. Perhaps a strong Central Qld genetic influence!
Two things you have mentioned strike me at the moment. The Howard/Costello tax cuts are a disgrace. The evidence which justifies them would have justified them years ago. Instead we have been paying through the nose!
I don't see much about that fact in the media. I am sure you can convincingly articulate the cynicism revealed by introducing the cuts at this late stage. Even we capitalist pigs don't like our snouts being kept from the trough unnecessarily for so long! It's enough to make us vote for Kevin, who is here to help.
Second: Our son decided after 4yrs of economics that he didn't want to be a merchant banker and went to Duntroon. For his pains he will be leaving for Iraq soon. His mum is not happy Jan.
I could not get Kevin07's policy position on troop levels very clearly from last night's debate. Can you spell it out? As it applies to both Iraq and Afghanistan? It's a deal breaker for us.
forgive me for withholding my surname - there are reasons you will guess from the above - I was in the year below you at West Street ;-)
P.S. All the best in Ryan!
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A lot of what you say resonates with our family. Perhaps a strong Central Qld genetic influence!
Two things you have mentioned strike me at the moment. The Howard/Costello tax cuts are a disgrace. The evidence which justifies them would have justified them years ago. Instead we have been paying through the nose!
I don't see much about that fact in the media. I am sure you can convincingly articulate the cynicism revealed by introducing the cuts at this late stage. Even we capitalist pigs don't like our snouts being kept from the trough unnecessarily for so long! It's enough to make us vote for Kevin, who is here to help.
Second: Our son decided after 4yrs of economics that he didn't want to be a merchant banker and went to Duntroon. For his pains he will be leaving for Iraq soon. His mum is not happy Jan.
I could not get Kevin07's policy position on troop levels very clearly from last night's debate. Can you spell it out? As it applies to both Iraq and Afghanistan? It's a deal breaker for us.
forgive me for withholding my surname - there are reasons you will guess from the above - I was in the year below you at West Street ;-)
P.S. All the best in Ryan!
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