Thursday, August 23, 2007


Time for an Independent Judicial Inquiry!

The Haneef case just gets murkier - only an independent judicial inquiry will get to the truth. All the signs of political interference in the judicial process are there. Fortunately, an independent judge - Justice Spender - has examined the Howard Government's cancellation of Haneef's visa already - and overturned the decision. But that has not deterred the Government - they continue to refuse to respond to questions, claiming secrecy and confidentiality. When they say anything at all, it is tainted and selective quotes from police interviews with Haneef - the whole transcript, now available, tells the true story. It is most instructive to compare the Government's public statements with the actual Haneef transcript. It makes riveting reading:, as does the Spender decision: The Government was plainly victimising Haneef to create a 'national security' election issue.

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