Friday, July 06, 2007


Iraq - Truth at last

Truth at last! Five long years after the risky and illegal invasion of Iraq the Howard Government's real motives come to light. Defence Minister Brendan Nelson admitted that securing Australia's oil supply is one of the key reasons for deployment of our troops in Iraq. This admission was immediately smothered by Howard - truth is often unpalatable. But things are also a bit more subtle. Australia is in Iraq because America is in Iraq. We remain in Iraq because America remains. And this is the real oil / energy connection. America's motive for invasion was to secure its strategic oil / energy interests. That is not some left-wing conspiracy theory. For example, it is there for all to read in the many reports from the influential organization Project for a New American Century. Members of this neo-conservative movement included such luminaries as Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. In 2000 The Project Report Rebuilding America’s Defenses spelled out the new mission for the US Army. It included the combat role of defending American interests in the Persian Gulf and Middle East and the imperative to remove Saddam Hussein. Note the date - 2000! All the other justifications for the Iraq invasions are simply window dressing. So Nelson is simply owning up to what everyone has known for a very long time. While it is now a decade old the Report remains an important document in understanding the lead up to the Iraq invasion. You can access it at:

Ross, I just wanted to congratulate you on all the good work you've done on this issue right from the start. I have the highest respect for your values and credentials, and am proud to see you're running for Ryan in this election. Given the history of the seat and its importance to the Libs, I really hope it swings your way. It would mean great things for the electorate and speak volumes about how fed up people are with being lied to so appallingly and for so long.

Craig Bolland,
Novelist, academic, Kenmore resident.
There is no doubt that oil security was one of the reasons for US (and Australia's) interest in doing something to correct the political and economic dysfunctions that lead to instability in the Middle East (and for which it was hoped that reform in Iraq would provide a model). There is also no doubt that there were many broader strategic issues involved in that initiative, and that there were serious weaknesses in analysing them (see The Second Failure of Globalization?"). The pathetic failure of both sides of politics to seriously consider those broader geo-political issues illustrates the insubstantial 'populism' that now dominates Australia's political system.

John Craig
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