Sunday, April 29, 2007
Liberalism – Hardly!
I thought I would try a different direction today and ask "Who said this"?
"... We believed in federalism, not because we're a federal country but because we really believed in the division of power. Nobody has heard about the division of power in Canberra today, and we have done more to centralise ... when I say ‘we’, Liberals have done more to centralise ... no, that's not true ... people who go under the name of Liberals have done more to centralise power than Labor has ever been able to do, in relation to industrial relations, education, a whole host of important areas, and to try and advance out own particular political interpretation of history we put Windschuttle on the board of the ABC. In labour laws, in education, in health, in universities, centralisation is the name of the game and it's a great pity..."
The answer is at:
"... We believed in federalism, not because we're a federal country but because we really believed in the division of power. Nobody has heard about the division of power in Canberra today, and we have done more to centralise ... when I say ‘we’, Liberals have done more to centralise ... no, that's not true ... people who go under the name of Liberals have done more to centralise power than Labor has ever been able to do, in relation to industrial relations, education, a whole host of important areas, and to try and advance out own particular political interpretation of history we put Windschuttle on the board of the ABC. In labour laws, in education, in health, in universities, centralisation is the name of the game and it's a great pity..."
The answer is at:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Lest We Forget
On Anzac Day I have three dominant emotions. First, a deep respect and gratitude for all those Australian women and men who have served in the terrible wars and conflicts of the past and present, particularly those who have been injured or killed. Second, a sadness for the way in which some of these service people were treated after they returned home. That must never be allowed to happen again. And third, contempt for those politicians who feign concern for their military personnel but who have lied and deceived, and used conflict, war and terror, for their own ends.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Vision 2020? Blinkers 2007!
On May 4 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will deliver a report called Mitigation of Climate Change. Previous IPCC reports reveal that unchecked climate change will destroy both national and global economic growth, and disproportionately impact on poor countries and poor people. Those who have contributed least to global warming will suffer the most. In John Howard's so-called Vision 2020 speech he says " ... to say that climate change is the overwhelming moral challenge for this generation of Australians is misguided at best and misleading at worst ... It feeds ideological demands for knee-jerk policy reactions that would destroy jobs and the living standards of ordinary Australians ..." Howard and his government don't have any vision! Their inaction is leaving a nightmare for our kids and future generations.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
John Howard STILL does not get it!
Despite dire warnings in the Stern Report ( and despite equally worrying conclusions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( John Howard simply doesn't believe in climate change. In his latest radio address he repeats his cliché: "…. the Liberal and National Parties will always put economic prosperity and jobs ahead of ideology and targets with unknown consequences …." How narrow-minded can you get? Climate change is not ideology - it is real! Greenhouse gas targets are vital, to ensure future economic prosperity. Howard remains stuck in the past, just when Australia needs real economic vision instead of blinkered platitudes.