Sunday, February 04, 2007
How to fix Ipswich Motorway
Because of the blocking action of local Federal Liberal MPs, the Federal Government won't act to fix the Ipswich Motorway unless they feel pressured. I urge Ryan residents to use my website to sign my petition, and send an e-mail or letter to the Prime Minister, both requesting the full upgrade in this year’s budget. Just go to and click on "Let’s do something to fix the Ipswich Motorway" at the top of the page. Together, we CAN overcome the anti-community lobbying of local Federal Liberal MPs.
More on Ipswich Motorway Upgrade
I completely support the full six lane upgrade of the Ipswich Motorway. This vital infrastructure project, part of the National Highway, is a Federal Government responsibility. A full upgrade is the only appropriate response to the social and economic needs of South East Queensland. Local Liberal Federal MPs who support the disruptive Goodna bypass option - with multiple bridges over the Brisbane River - are acting against community interests. The Goodna bypass solves barely a fifth of the problem, would be the most expensive piece of road in Australia, and allows, still, an unsafe and overcrowded Motorway. Local residents and thousand of Ipswich Motorway users need the full upgrade - that will come only from the next Labor Government, or if John Howard becomes politically desperate!